Sunday, November 18, 2012

Gifts for You for the Holidays

Hello to all on this sunny, cool November day.
In less than a week I will be bringing many small paintings and drawings to the Red Lotus Gallery in Muskegon, Michigan for the Art Express Holiday Show.  ALL the artwork will be $30 !!!  This is an incredible opportunity for you to buy gifts for others and for yourselves.  Below are a few of the pieces of mine that will be in the show.


This one just sold,  sorry.
The Art Express Holiday Show runs from Thursday, November 29 thru Saturday, December 29. Red Lotus Gallery hours are 2-6 Thursday and Friday and 10-6 on Saturday.  You can check the Red Lotus Gallery facebook page for more information, too. 

Here's three of my newest works.  "Mountains in Italy"  (below) has been sold.  The others are still for sale. 
"Mountains in Italy"  pen, acrylic and colored pencil on canvas

"Dragonfly"  colored pencil on plywood, varnished

"This World Belongs to the Crows"  ink and colored pencil on board, varnished